Monty’s Turf Power SRN 13-2-6 with Micronutrients & Humics (2.5 Gallon)


Turf Power SRN includes slow-release nitrogen and other important nutrients – not typically found in conventional fertilizers…plus Monty’s activated humics! 

  • Apply to any plant, at any stage of growth 
  • Can be used on all varieties of cool, transitional, and warm season turf in all growth phases 
  • Provides extended plant nutrition for controlled growth
  • Slow release allows more balanced long-term benefits
  • Industry-leading activated humic technology 

Active Ingredients

Total Nitrogen (N)13%

- 6.5% Ammoniacal Nitrogen

- 6.5% Urea Nitrogen

Available Phosphate (P2O5) (Phosphoric Acid)2%

Soluble Potash (K2O) (Potassium Hydroxide)6%

Sulfur (S) (Ammonium Thiosulfate)1%

- 1.0% Combined Sulfur

Iron (Fe) (EDTA).15%

- .15% Chelated Iron

Manganese (Mn).25%

- .25% Chelated Manganese

Zinc (Zn) (EDTA).1%

- .1% Chelated Zinc

Non-Plant Food Ingredients

Humic Acids (derived from oxidized lignite).75%

TurfPower SRN is a trademark of Monty’s Plant Food Company.

Application Information

GENERAL: Turf Power SRN is compatible with most herbicides and pesticides but should be jar tested prior to mixing in the tank. Do not mix concentrated components together prior to mixing with the appropriate amount of water. For specific application information, contact your representative.
HIGH YIELD: Monty’s high yield program can vary for crops, application rates and timing. If you are interested in a high yield program, contact your Monty’s representative.

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